Pots of HoneyAt Rose & North we like sweet things and we particularly like honey.
We like to think of financial planning as like gathering pots of honey. Some larger pots will sit on the top shelf for the future (like a pension, for example), some smaller pots are easy to access on the bottom shelf (like an everyday savings account, for example) and others will sit on different shelves to be dipped into as and when you need them. Honey for today (every day, in fact) and honey for tomorrow. You decide how much you want in the short, medium and long-term, and you can move the pots up and down the shelves as you wish. When you gather pots of honey (or money, if you prefer not to have such sticky paws) like this, it gives you options. If one pot isn't so easy to get into, then another smaller pot might just tide you over until you can loosen the lid. So in money terms...if at retirement, for example, you have a pension, savings and investments, you have a few pots to dip into. If one of them has not delivered what you had hoped for, or if you are keeping it safe for other reasons (tax, for example) then you still have some money to dip into. |
So, although we think about honey a lot, we know a lot more about money and we want to help you to always have as much of it as you want and need when you want and need it.
Rose & North helps put you in the strongest financial position whatever your goals and timeframes. Rose & North supports you in making your decisions over time with a little expert advice and coaching. We also construct and monitor bespoke investment portfolios for our clients. We consider your specific circumstances and try and keep the organisation as simple as we can, taking into account your key requirements. We have a structured approach to assessing your attitude to risk and other priorities and concerns. We then conduct extensive research to ensure you are invested, and continue to be invested, in the best funds in the most appropriate asset classes and investment types. If you make money, we make money and we like it that way. |
Rose & North's philosophy is to:
PROTECT – what you already have SAVE – for the short-term INVEST – for the long-term Financial planning does not have to be complicated. We want to empower you to better understand your finances, make the most of your money and ultimately achieve your goals. Rose & North helps you achieve a balance of protection, savings and investment to suit your beliefs, preferences and needs by finding out as much about you as we can and helping you make your finances fit your lifestyle and future plans. Rose and North is not responsible for the content of external links
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